What does your tongue have to say about your oral health? Often, dentists are only consulted when there is a problem with the teeth. However, tongue and oral health are both keys to your overall health. When it comes to tongue health, you can trust Lovett Dental Beaumont to provide effective solutions for improving your smile. What should you know?
What Is the Link Between Tongue and Oral Health?
Take a look at your tongue in the mirror. It may look different from time to time. What are those spots? What about coloring? There are many things that you may notice about both your tongue and oral health.
White Patches on Your Tongue
If you have white patches on your tongue, that can mean you have too much build-up of candida. This is a type of yeast that is normally present in the mouth at low levels. Brushing your tongue can help with this. You may also need to talk to your dentist about a rinse or pill called an anti-fungal product.
Red and White Spots on Your Tongue
Do you have discolored areas of your tongue? These are nothing to worry about in most cases. Rather, they are areas where your taste buds are worn somewhat. There is no reason to seek treatment for this, but you may see changes happen over time. It’s normal and nothing to be concerned about when this happens.
Redness of Your Tongue
Does your tongue ever seem to be very red? This can occur in many cases. It could indicate:
- A lack of folic acid in your diet
- Too little iron in your diet
- Not enough B12 in your diet
- The presence of a fever
- The presence of strep throat
Ridges on Your Tongue
If you are brushing your tongue and notice ridges on the tongue, that could seem a bit scary. Most of the time, it is nothing to worry about either. This often happens when you press your teeth against your gums for long periods, such as when you are sleeping. This will go away naturally.
Bumps on Your Tongue
Another common concern has to do with bumps. If you have bumps along with the tongue, this can mean that your tongue has had a mild reaction to something you’ve consumed. It may also occur if you are developing canker sores or cold sores. It’s best to turn to your dentist to determine what this is.
Keeping Up with Tongue Health
It’s important to pay attention to tongue and oral health. It can impact your overall well-being if you do not. Our team at Lovett Dental Beaumont can provide you with guidance and support in determining what steps you need to take to improve your oral health. Make sure to keep brushing your tongue every time you brush your teeth. That can help to keep bacteria under control and ensures better tongue health.
If you’re concerned about what’s happening to your tongue and oral health, don’t delay in contacting our team. We will work closely with you to determine the best course of treatment for your needs. Reach out to us today to learn more about our services, including:
- General dentistry services
- Teeth cleaning services
- Family dentistry service
- Pediatric dentistry services
- Emergency dental services
Invest in Your Oral Health by Calling Lovett Dental Beaumont
When it comes to tongue and oral health, do not put off seeing your dental care provider when you have concerns. Our team at Lovett Dental Beaumont is here to help you. We provide a wide range of dental solutions to help improve your smile and keep your oral cavity healthy. When it comes to your tongue health, call us at 409-924-8100 for immediate help.