Many people enjoy eating sugary foods like ice cream, candy, and gooey treats from the bakery. Soda is also high on the list for many people, and many people drink several each day. However, a lot of people do not realize what sugar does to teeth. In fact, high-sugar diets are often the reason that they have a lot of trouble with their dental health. The effects of sugar on teeth can be devastating. However, general dentistry services can help your teeth recover.
What Sugar Does to Teeth: Enamel
The enamel on your teeth is like armor, and it protects your teeth. Sugar creates an acidic reaction in your mouth, and it causes the enamel to soften. When this happens, important minerals will disappear. While the saliva in your mouth will naturally get rid of the acidic reaction, during the time the enamel is weak, damage can occur that cannot be undone. The more sugar you eat, the more it will hurt the enamel trying to protect your teeth.
There are different types of toothpaste that may help with the process of getting the minerals back to your teeth after you do eat sugar, but the toothpaste will not repair the effects of sugar on your enamel. Once the damage is done, there is no way to fix it.
What Sugar Does to Teeth: Cavities
When the enamel is damaged, the bacteria in your mouth will start to form a cavity just below the surface in the dentin. The dentin is what makes up the biggest area of the tooth and leads to the roots that are below the gum. A cavity, which is actually a bacterial infection, will quickly spread throughout the whole tooth. Pain is often the first sign of a cavity, and a quick inspection of the tooth may reveal a noticeable black spot on the tooth. Cavities, however, can hide between the teeth and often go unnoticed until it creates a more noticeable symptom.
After a cavity starts, the bacterial infection will take over the whole tooth. If this happens, a filling may not be enough. Root canals can repair the damage caused by cavities or damage caused by an injury to the tooth.
What Sugar Does to Teeth: Spacing Difficulty
For those who decide to opt-out of a root canal, the tooth may need to be pulled out. Extractions, while sometimes necessary, can lead to other issues, especially in children whose adult teeth have not come in yet. If a tooth is pulled before it is ready to fall out, the other teeth may not come incorrectly, and there may be problems with spacing.
For adults who already have all their teeth, pulling a tooth can lead to the start of the other teeth becoming misaligned. Because there is no support besides a healthy tooth, the healthy tooth can start leaning to one side or turning sideways in the mouth. When this happens, you may need a bridge to help fill the space.
Even for those who know the effects of sugar on teeth, sugar may still be a part of the diet. As long as you take special precautions, the damage sugar can do can be minimized. Start out by reducing the amount of sugar you do eat. You can still have treats, just try not to overdo it. You also must brush and floss regularly to keep bacteria and plaque from building up. Regular checkups by your dentist are a must, which will include a thorough cleaning and inspection of your teeth.
For teeth cleaning in Beaumont TX, Lovett Dental is ready to help you improve your oral health. They can be reached at 409-924-8100 and will gladly assist you in making the right decisions for your oral health needs. Don’t let the fear of sugar keep you from having a treat every now and then. Just make certain you visit Lovett Dental for teeth cleaning in Beaumont TX for that checkup.